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The survey collected background information on students as well as a number of important outcomes. Each survey contained a series of items to assess student knowledge of the plot and vocabulary used in the plays. There were also several items to measure student tolerance as well as student interest in viewing and participating in live theater. We also employed a measure known as the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test RMET, which captures the ability to infer what other people are thinking or feeling by looking at their eyes. The test was developed by British psychologist Simon Baron Cohen and his colleagues as a tool for studying theory of mind, particularly for people with autism. It is now widely used by researchers interested in studying theory of mind and empathy for people developing typically, as well as for those with autism. Researchers using RMET have found that reading literary fiction or engaging in theatrical role playing enhances peoples ability to read the emotions of others. We suspected that watching live theater might have a similar effect and decided to include RMET in our survey. The version of RMET we employed was developed for use with adolescents and has 28 photographs cropped to show only peoples eyes. Subjects are asked to pick one of four words that best describes what the photographed person is thinking or feeling. All of the scales used to measure student knowledge about the plays, tolerance, ability to read the emotions of others, as well as interest in watching or participating in live theater, are either established or were validated with conventional tests of scale construction.

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School and church were different experiences though. There I was constantly on guard as a nun in a rage was not to be reckoned with at any cost. I would never have dreamed of rebelling; instead I became supervigilant. My parents would not have understood why I was having these fainting spells, nor would have many of that era. I cant blame them. The information we have nowadays is so prolific that we can understand better what a healthy environment should be like for a child to grow to be strong and confident, without living in a state of situational generalized hypervigilance.

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Anna arrived soon after I did and had called talked to Tom on her way and didn't know he had passed. Everyone thought she knew. The only thing she knew was that he was not doing well. So much for our communication. Anyway, Dad passed without anyone of the kids being with him. I think that he wanted it that way. He passed at 10:55 am Central time, but wasn't pronounced until 12:15pm the official time on the death certificate. Again, we kids didn't get either Mom or Dad into a hospice. Mom passed on the official New Year's Day holiday 1/2/06 and hospice was coming the next morning and Dad passed 1 hour before they were to admit him. Strange, neither make it to hospice and maybe they wanted it that way. Just wanted to let you know that Ed passed away this morning.

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We need to start campaigning now. We are the solution to the issues in the local workforce, Di Pasquale told Lorain county residents. Dr. Marcia Ballinger, LCCCs current provost and vice president for academic and learner services, participated in forums with faculty, students, and community members on April 8. I first want to say that I am very honored and humbled to be standing here and talking about the future of Lorain County Community College, Ballinger said during her town hall meeting with members of the Lorain County community. Local residents showed interest in Ballingers opinion on the recent success of LCCC, and how it has grown and changed over the last several years. The reason I believe that this college has been so successful is because in it has taken the time to really become not just ingrained in the community, it is because it is part of the entire community and it is created to serve the changing parts of the community, Ballinger said. As I look at change, I look at it in terms of the communitys needs, she continued. As a learning organization we cant stop. We are continually changing and innovating. I believe that todays community college presidents should be in deep and strategic communication with the community.

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